Position Statements and Guidelines 

AAIMH routinely reviews and updates Position Statements and Guidelines to assist families and professionals to keep the experiences and needs of infants in mind. Up until the time a new position is published, the documents on our website represent AAIMH’s current guidelines.

Individuals are encouraged to obtain appropriate professional advice in their local area relevant to their particular circumstances. AAIMH is not able to provide individual advice in these matters.

Position Statements

Infants in Refuge
Infants in Refuge

Background paper on Child Care
Child Care Background paper

Continuity of Relationships
Continuity of Caregiving Relationships for Infants Involved in Child Protection

Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)

Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)

Infants and Family Violence
Infants and Family Violence

Infants in Immigration Detention
Infants in Immigration Detention

Responding to Baby's Cues
Responding to Baby's Cues

Response to Australian Marriage Law survey
Response to Australian Marriage Law

Sleep Paper
Infant Sleep

Time Out
Time Out

World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) Position Paper
Rights of the Infant  


Background paper on Infants and Overnight Care - Post Separation and Divorce

Background paper on Infants and Overnight Care - Post Separation and Divorce 
(This paper is under review for updates and is currently unavailable.)

Helping infants through trauma after family violence
Helping infants through trauma after family violence