Understanding and responding to relational trauma in CPP In this presentation, Dr Chandra Ghosh Ippen uses clinical vignettes and metaphors to illustrate the interconnections
between parents' and children’s histories and reactions, highlighting ways that two-generation interventions, like Child-Parent
Psychotherapy, can repair relational trauma for both generations.
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The Use of Marte Meo in the Nurse Family Partnership Program in Norway An introduction to the Nurse Family Partnership. The focus of the seminar will be on how interaction guidance is offered to families using
video, and Marte Meo principles of following and leading the child.
Australian Women's Birth Experiences A seminar by the ACT Branch of AAIMH in partnership with the Australian College of Midwives. Join us for a presentation of the PhD research by Lucy Franklin PhD Candidate., M.Psych (Clinical)., B.Psych (Hons). A comprehensive investigation into women's birth experiences in
Australia, examining the association between birth-related PTSD and the mother-infant relationship, identifying potential risk factors for
birth trauma, and evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention in reducing birth trauma.
Building Bridges: Core Concepts and Frameworks for Enhancing Diversity Informed Practice Chandra Ghosh Ippen is the Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at the University of California, a member of the Board of Directors of Zero to Three and a co-developer, along with Alicia Lieberman and Patriacia Van Horn, of Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP). In
this seminar Chandra will provide an overview of frameworks and core concepts for enhancing equity and diversity informed practice.