AAIMH SA Presents:

Introducing the Maternal Looking Guide (MLG) : A Clinical Tool For Early Assessment And Decision-Making about the Mother Infant Relationship

DATE:    Friday 9th August 2024
TIME:     9.30am - 4.30pm 
VENUE: Adelaide Pavilion Veale Gardens,
               corner South Terrace & Peacock Rd, Adelaide

This training is recommended for anyone working with mothers and young babies.

The MLG identifies and addresses a real-world problem – that mothers and babies can miss one another when they first meet in that precious time post birth – and that this can have long term health and wellbeing implications. Using gaze to identify those dyads who will most benefit from immediate increased support, the MLG assists perinatal workers to sensitively respond at this critical developmental juncture for baby and mother and assists organisations to allocate scarce resources to those who most need them. In this training, participants will learn how to use the Maternal Looking Guide. There will be lots of opportunities for practice and reflection.


Patricia O’Rourke PhD is a Child Psychotherapist and Psychodramatist. She has special interests in preventative work with infants and their families, child protection, reflective supervision and group work training and is a consultant, trainer and supervisor in private practice. Patricia is a Senior Lecturer with the Paediatric Mental Health Training Unit, Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide and a staff member with Psychodrama Australia. She is an Associate Editor of WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. Patricia developed the Maternal Looking Guide as part of her PhD.


Click here to download flyer and registration form.
Early bird registrations by 12th July 2024.

Infant Mental Health Competencies Areas of Expertise
Infant/very young child development and behaviour; relationship focused practice; attachment, separation, trauma, grief & loss; service delivery systems; observation and listening; screening and assessment; analysing information: contemplation, professional/personal development.

For enquiries about registrations, contact Thomas Luke satraining@aaimh.org.au
For enquiries about the training, contact Sally Watson sapresident@aaimh.org.au or 0411 377 347