AAIMH NT Launch 2024

Date:      Friday, 31st May 2024
Time:      5:30pm to 8pm (NT local time)    
Venue:    Darwin Trailer Boat Club
                8 Atkins Rd, Fannie Bay NT0804

Bookings are required - https://www.trybooking.com/CQZZI

Consider joining AAIMH to receive email notifications on upcoming events  - https://www.aaimh.org.au/membership/how-to-join/

NT AAIMH are holding a launch event on Friday 31st May 5.30pm at the Darwin trailer Boat Club. We welcome all NT AAIMH members and interested community members to join us for the launch of the NT branch of the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health (AAIMH).

Dr Karen Hazell-Raine will open the launch with a short presentation on "Creating a Vision to Make Infant Mental Health Everyone's Business".  Dr Karen Hazell-Raine is the Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Research Training with the CDU Faculty of Health.  Dr Hazell-Raine's experience spans interdisciplinary clinical and strategic leadership, service development, education, quality improvement, policy, advanced practice in specialist perinatal-infant mental healthcare, violence abuse and neglect services, and the dynamic maturational model of attachment and adaptation.  

Members and attendees are warmly invited to stay on and celebrate NT AAIMH establishment. Dinner and drinks are available at DTBC after the presentation for purchase by attendees.

Download flyer with full detail here.