AAIMH Constitution
The AAIMHI Constitution was first adopted in October 1988 when AAIMHI became an Incorporated Association in NSW. It was then significantly amended in June 1998 when AAIMHI moved from being predominantly based in one State to an organisation which is federally based. It underwent further revisions in 2009, 2013 and 2014.
At the 2017 AGM, AAIMHI members voted for the Association to transfer to a Company Limited by Guarantee and was first registered with ASIC in April 2018. The Association's new abbreviated title was changed to AAIMH in 2019.
AAIMHI West Australian Branch was a separately incorporated association from its inception and had its own Constitution. It was Incorporated
on 31st December 1996 under the West Australian Associations Incorporation Act 1987. However, at the AAIMHI WA AGM on 7th September 2017,
the membership passed a special resolution to wind up AAIMHI WA and to operate as a branch under the national AAIMHI (now AAIMH).
Members are encouraged to view the current AAIMH Constitution