Australian Association for Infant Mental Health Inc

Welcome to AAIMH

AAIMH is a national organisation of professionals from many fields who work with infants, young children and their families. Our mission is to work towards  improving professional and community recognition that infancy and early childhood is a critical time for the development of emotional, physical and mental health.

AAIMH is affiliated with the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) and contributes to international developments and initiatives.

AAIMH organises regular national conferences as well as workshops and seminars to enhance knowledge about social and emotional development in 0 to 3-year-olds and develop skills to assist families and communities to build nurturing and strong relationships with their infants and young children.

AAIMH works with other agencies on advocacy and educational initiatives, responds to Government inquiries and reports relating to infancy and provides information to members through its website and newsletter.

AAIMH also develops position statements and guidelines to support Infant Mental Health professionals and parents.

Registrations NOW OPEN! 2024 AAIMH National Conference

Registrations and call for abstracts are now open. This year’s conference will highlight the role of infant mental health as the building block for future mental health and wellbeing. Drawing on Winnicott’s seminal work conceptualising infant development in the context of the parent-child relationship and external systems, our conference theme will be “The infant, the family and the external world: Building infant mental health into the future”.

Introducing the Maternal Looking Guide

Patricia O’Rourke PhD is a Child Psychotherapist and Psychodramatist. Patricia developed the Maternal Looking Guide - A clinical tool for early assessment and decision-making about the mother infant relationship. This training is recommended for anyone working with mothers and young babies.

NOW OPEN! 2024 Ann Morgan Prize

To honour Ann Morgan’s contribution to infant mental health, and her advocacy for the mental health of infants, AAIMH Victoria is offering two Creative Writing Prizes of AU$750. You are invited to submit an entry. The closing date for entries is 5pm on Friday, 19th July, 2024, (AEST).

MBT Basic Training

3 day training with Celeste Benett (Clinical Psychologist) and Dr. Michael Daubney (Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist). This highly interactive training is the first step required towards becoming an accredited MBT practitioner.

The First 1001 Days #IMHAW2024

In the 2024 infant mental health awareness week, the IMH community is invited to watch the film 'The First 1001 days' - a snapshot of motherhood in Alexandra, South Africa during the crucial first three years of life.

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

10th to 16th June 2024 is Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (IMHAW). IMHAW provides an annual opportunity to discuss the importance of supporting babies’ mental health and wellbeing. The theme this year is Speak Up for Babies. Click here to access resources and join in to Speak up for Babies.

Support Us

Your donation will provide scholarships and other financial support to enable eligible students, practitioners and educators to access training and professional development in Infant Mental Health so they can better support families and advocate for Infant Mental Health.

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We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of Australia and pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.